The following items made the news 25 and 50 years ago in the Snoqualmie Valley, as reported in the Valley Record:
Thursday, July 20, 1989
• Residents who challenged a pair of development proposals on the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie were ecstatic last week when the zoning examiner decided in their favor.
• August 6 will mark the 100th anniversary of the platting of Snoqualmie. The local chamber plans a huge celebration with a community photograph and performances.
Thursday, July 23, 1964
• Whipping in the breeze high over Snoqualmie’s main street are the familiar banners that proclaim the Snoqualmie Firemen’s 26th annual celebration. The day includes a big parade, prizes from local merchants and firefighters, and the visiting firefighters’ traditional water fights.
• Duvall broke the King County Public Library system’s record for circulation per capita last year, for all rural libraries. It averaged 48.3 books per resident, higher than neighboring cities.