A few months back the Valley Record asked readers how they thought they could be better served by our product. One of the biggest responses we received was a concern that we didn’t cover the arts as well as we could.
In response, this week marks the debut of our Lifestyle page, which will run every other week, alternating with our Business page.
In the upcoming weeks the Lifestyle page will introduce new arts columnist Leigh Falconer, and will find Donna Wentz moving over from the Community page.
The goal of the page is to feature those residents who are active in the arts, or whose interests are unusual and thought provoking.
To make this page work, we’re asking for your help. The staff at the Valley Record strives to cover as much as possible, but sometimes we just don’t hear about events. That’s where you come into the picture.
Do you know of an interesting person who’s story you think would make a great lifestyle feature? Is your school’s band performing? Do you have an upcoming arts performance you’d like mentioned in our briefs section? Are you a member of a performing arts group that you think will make a great story? Let us know. Story ideas should be directed to Travis Peterson at travis.peterson@valleyrecord.com, while briefs, such as event listings, should be sent to Sue Randall at sue.randall@valleyrecord.com. Both can be reached by calling (425) 888-2311.