New Miller film to be showcased tonight at mountain film festival

"Like There's No Tomorrow," a film by Warren Miller, will cap off the North Bend Mountain Film Festival, airs Friday, Dec. 9, at the North Bend Theatre, 125 Bendigo Blvd, North Bend. The movie, currently on a world tour, was recently added to the lineup at the North Bend Theatre, and is a real coup for the theatre and the city, says theatre owner Cindy Walker.

“Like There’s No Tomorrow,” a film by Warren Miller, will cap off the North Bend Mountain Film Festival, airs Friday, Dec. 9, at the North Bend Theatre, 125 Bendigo Blvd, North Bend.

The movie, currently on a world tour, was recently added to the lineup at the North Bend Theatre, and is a real coup for the theatre and the city, says theatre owner Cindy Walker.

It will be the last film screened during the evening, which will also showcase the winning movies of the North Bend Amateur Film Challenge. The event starts at 7 p.m. For more information, contact Walker  at or call (425) 246-1336.

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