Aleili’s Alternative Hafla, a belly dance party with a theme of non-belly dance music, is Saturday, Feb. 5 at Valley Center Stage in North Bend. Aleili & The Veils of the Nile Middle Eastern Dance Company ( will perform, and there will be raffle prize drawings.
Mount Si High School presents its student-directed one-act play festival, Dramafest Thursday through Saturday, Feb. 3 to 5. Student directors include Shayne Allen, Shawn McNabb, Paul Nelson, and Taylor Westerlund.
A gardener’s Seed Exchange and Winter Faire is 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 12, at the Carnation Tree Farm Barn, 31523 N.E. 40th St., Carnation.
The Sno-Valley Eagles host a benefit concert, auction and lasagna dinner to help North Bend resident Cyndi Lear, who is fighting cancer.
Concert pianist, jazz musician and folk-rock performer John Nilsen brings a piano performance to the Snoqualmie Valley Hospital lobby, 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 22.
For the fourth year in a row, the Snoqualmie Valley Record is opening its pages to the best vistas that local shutterbugs can capture on film, digital or otherwise.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea, or OSA, has become more common due to America’s obesity epidemic. OSA is the term used to describe a patient who, during the deeper stages of sleep when muscles are most relaxed, allows their upper airway to be sucked closed as they try to draw in a breath.
“Back to Borneo, a one-man Show by Sparky Johnson” will run 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Jan. 21 and 22, at Valley Center Stage in North Bend.
Sometimes what you’ve always been told isn’t necessarily what you should do. This is the lesson Eva Moon learns in the course of one hilarious and harrowing night’s encounter with the specters of Sloth, Envy, Greed, Pride, Anger, Gluttony and most of all, Lust.
Q: I have twins in the eighth grade. Over the past few years, they have developed an increasing interest in popular music. I listened to a few of the songs recently and was disturbed by some of the content. My kids tell me everyone listens to this stuff and that it’s no big deal, but I feel uncomfortable letting them listen to just anything. What should I do to minimize the influence I feel this type of music may have on my family?
A team of four area women, the “SnoValley4,” recently climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Their story, remarkable not only because of the rugged seven-day journey, but also because each of the women was age 60 or older, will be featured on King 5’s “New Day Northwest” on Monday, Jan. 3.
Valley Center Stage is holding auditions Jan. 3 at 6:30 p.m. for an interactive production of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” for children.
Parts are available for a man aged 18 to 25, a man aged 30 to 50 and a woman aged 30 to 50. Actors must be able to relate to children and be playful with young audiences.
With a little creativity and a lot of flour, 11-year-old Dylan Riley made more than $2,000 to help children in Africa.