Registration open for Key Leaders Summit on Aug. 14 in Fall City

Registration is now open for the Snoqualmie Valley Community Network’s annual Key Leaders Summit 2017: Becoming a Trauma-informed Community. The event will be held from 8:30 a.m. to noon on Monday, Aug. 14, at Snoqualmie Valley Alliance Church in Fall City.

The Key Leaders Summit is an opportunity for Snoqualmie Valley leaders to network and engage in relevant community conversations, collaborations, and actions.

This year, the focus is on how community members can collaborate to become a trauma-informed community.

The event will cover the meaning behind the term “trauma-informed community” and participants will be discussing how to improve outcomes for the Snoqualmie Valley youth as become trauma-informed.

The Key Leaders Summit is a public, open event to address issues influencing the overall health and well-being of youth in the Snoqualmie Valley. Participants should feel free to invite others who may be interested in participating.

Registered event participants will also receive a light breakfast.

To register, visit