SnoValley Writes taking submissions for 2012 writing contest

The SnoValley Writes writers' group is now taking submissions for its 2012 Writing Contest. A short story, poem, one-act play or creative non-fiction essay of no more than 1,500 words should be submitted by March 3. The story must include at least three of the following words: Three, Magic, Number, Valley, Anniversary, Coffee, Friends, Ashes, Determination, or Quest.

The SnoValley Writes writers’ group is now taking submissions for its 2012 Writing Contest.

A short story, poem, one-act play or creative non-fiction essay of no more than 1,500 words should be submitted by March 3.

The story must include at least three of the following words: Three, Magic, Number, Valley, Anniversary, Coffee, Friends, Ashes, Determination, or Quest.

Writers 17 and below will be in the “young writer’s” category competition and writers 18 and above will be in the “adult writer” category competition.

Prizes include a $100 first prize and a chance to read at SnoValley Writes! Presents Word Jazz on April 10 at Boxley’s in North Bend. The winning entry will be published online on the SnoValley Writes website and considered for inclusion in the annual literary journal, “Views, Voices and Verses.”

To learn more, visit