Residents from both North Bend and Snoqualmie came together on Saturday, April 22, for the Meadowbrook Farm’s 20th anniversary Celebration.
Hosted by the Meadowbrook Farm Preservation Association, the celebration saw representatives from each city as well as other Valley organizations such as the Snoqualmie Valley Hospital and Si View Metropolitan Park District.
The celebration began with family-friendly displays and activities including hay ride tours, bee keeping and elk displays and a fire truck.
Later that afternoon, participants gathered in the Meadowbrook Farm Interpretive Center to listen to speeches about the land and what it has meant to the Valley. North Bend and Snoqualmie Mayors Ken Hearing and Matt Larson both spoke, as well as Mary Norton, president of the Meadowbrook Farm Preservation Association. Carol Peterson also spoke in place of her husband Charles Peterson, who was the liaison between the preservation association and the Snoqualmie city council before he passed away in early April.
Both dinner and a birthday cake were served to guests before the family square dances closed out the day’s festivities.