The Snoqualmie Valley’s own Boy Scout Troop 466 has been named Troop of the Year by the Alpine District of the Chief Seattle Council.
The April 30 award cited the troop’s outstanding activities and community service. In 2010, the troop sponsored over 40 activities in addition to weekly meetings: over 180 miles
of hiking, 140 nights of camping, 12 separate service projects involving hundreds of hours of community service, a river raft trip, and four ski and winter ride events.
Members completed their Order of the Arrow ordeal and Junior Leadership training, and 44 scouts and 10 adults attended a week-long summer camp. During the year, local Scouts earned over 100 ranks, including four Eagle awards, and completed 231 merit badges. The troop sponsors the annual Jamboree-on-the-Air/Internet weekend for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and other youth in the district held at Valley Camp in October.
Several adult leaders also received awards. Joel Yoker was selected as the Venture Crew Advisor of the Year. Kelly Luna and Christine Nelson received the “Extra Mile” award for their years and wide-range of service with Troop 466.
Troop 466, chartered by the Snoqualmie Valley Kiwanis, part of the Valley for over 80 years, currently includes over 60 scouts. Doug McClelland serves as Scoutmaster.
The Alpine District serves the greater communities of Fall City, Issaquah, North Bend, Sammamish, Snoqualmie, portions of Newcastle, and the Renton Highlands since 1996. The District includes 33 Cub Scout Packs, 24 Boy Scout Troops, 11 Venturing Crews, 10 Varsity Teams and one Sea Scouts Ship.