King County is doing a $305,000 improvement project on West Snoqualmie Valley Road thanks to support from the Puget Sound Regional Council.
The project will completely reconstruct and rehabilitate 1.1 miles of the West Snoqualmie Valley Road from just beyond the intersection with Northeast 80th Street to Ames Lake-Carnation Road Northeast, including minimal drainage improvements. Currently, a three-inch layer of asphalt sits on a one-inch layer of base on the road. After the project is done, the road will have nine inches of base and three inches of asphalt. Also, a ditch wash-out will be repaired and drainage added.
Helping communities secure federal transportation funding is one of the key roles of the PSRC, said PSRC President Josh Brown.
“This project rose to the top on its merits and can not only deliver improvements for the future, but help grow jobs in the near term,” he said.