The 2013 “Be the Change” leadership conference for youth will be hosted by the Snoqualmie Valley Community Network, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, May 4, at Chief Kanim Middle School, Fall City. All interested middle school and high school-aged students are invited to the event, which is free.
Over the last six years, the “Be the Change” leadership conference has evolved into a place for local teens to be inspired about making a difference. Youth voice and leadership are important. The conference is about hearing those voices and expanding that leadership.
Trained youth facilitators will also be there, presenting on such topics as: “Media and You”; “You and Your Brain”; managing stress and dealing with depression; healthy relationships, substance abuse, financial responsibility, suicide prevention and information about police responses and careers in law enforcement.
Participants will also have opportunities to meet with other youth, and a free lunch will be served.
Event sponsors include Snoqualmie Valley Community Network, Snoqualmie Valley School District, Riverview School District, Friends of Youth, the Riverview and Sno-Valley Youth Councils, Snoqualmie Police Department, King County Sheriff’s Department, Sound Mental Health, Snoqualmie Valley Kiwanis, King County Community Organizing Program, King County Drug Free Communities Coalition, King County Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, and the Washington State Department of Social & Health Services.
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