Ben Luke, a 10-year-old fifth-grader at North Bend Elementary School, luxuriates among some of the 422 books that he solicited from friends, neighbors and his own collection and donated Dec. 21, 2011, to Encompass. The son of Kim and Jon Luke, Ben was inspired by his dad to conduct a book drive and worked through the after-school leadership program called Compass Outdoor Adventures. The books will be used by Encompass preschoolers, toddlers and children receiving in-home therapy for developmental challenges.
Big book donation by 10-year-old boy
Ben Luke, a 10-year-old fifth-grader at North Bend Elementary School, luxuriates among some of the 422 books that he solicited from friends, neighbors and his own collection and donated Dec. 21, 2011, to Encompass. The son of Kim and Jon Luke, Ben was inspired by his dad to conduct a book drive and worked through the after-school leadership program called Compass Outdoor Adventures.