Blotter: Car loses wheel on Hwy 18; small fires keep local departments busy

Police and fire agencies in the Snoqualmie Valley responded to the following calls:

Fall City Fire Department

Friday, July 7

Medical assistance: At 6:48 a.m., firefighters assisted to an 80-year-old man experiencing a hypoglycemic episode. The patient was also seen by a paramedic unit from Bellevue Fire. The patient was treated and left at the scene in the care of his wife.

Collision: At 11:43 a.m., firefighters responded to a two-car motor vehicle accident. Three patients were treated and transported to an area hospital via private ambulance.

Fallen tree: At 2:15 p.m., firefighters were called for a report of a tree that had fallen into power lines. They responded and saw that there had been no fire as a result, and notified the utility company.

Collision: At 3:08 p.m., firefighters responded to a three-car motor vehicle accident. There were no injuries.

False alarm: At 4:19 p.m., firefighters responded to a commercial automatic fire alarm. On arrival, they found it was a false alarm and reset the system

Saturday, July 8

Collision: At 3:11 a.m., firefighters responded to a car-pedestrian accident. The patient was treated and transported to an area hospital via private ambulance.

Bike accident: At 12:24 p.m., firefighters responded to a bicycle accident. The patient was treated and transported to an area hospital via the Fall City Fire aid car.

Sunday, July 9

River rescue: At 3:49 p.m., firefighters assisted a 27-year old-man who was stuck in the Snoqualmie River. He was assisted out of the water and refused further care.

Back pain: At 7:03 p.m., firefighters assisted to a 40-year-old woman who was experiencing back pain. She was treated and transported to an area hospital via the Fall City Fire aid car.

Monday, July 10

Medical assistance: At 8:23 a.m., firefighters responded to a report of an 80-year-old man experiencing a hypoglycemic event. The patient was also seen by a paramedic unit from Bellevue Fire. The patient was treated and transported to a local hospital via the Fall City Fire aid car.

Chest pain: At 11:08 a.m., firefighters assisted to a 63-year-old man who reported chest pain and shortness of breath. The patient was also seen by a paramedic unit from Bellevue Fire. He was treated and transported to an area hospital via the medic unit.

Tuesday, July 11

Hip pain: At 5:29 a.m., firefighters assisted an 86-year-old man experiencing hip pain. He was treated and transported to an area hospital via the Fall City Fire aid car.

Fever: At 9:18 p.m., firefighters received a report of a 90-year-old woman with a fever. She was treated and transported to an area hospital via the Fall City Fire aid car.

Wednesday, July 12

Vehicle fire: At 9:35 p.m., firefighters responded to a motorcycle that was on fire. The fire was out on arrival.

Snoqualmie Fire Department

Thursday, July 6

Depression: At 2:40 a.m., Snoqualmie firefighters were dispatched to a call from a 16-year-old boy feeling depressed. In his call, he’d mentioned suicide and wanted to talk to someone about it. Both police and fire responded. The subject was sitting on park bench and told officers he’d had a good day and didn’t know why he was feeling this way. He was transported to an area hospital.

Friday, July 7

Grass fire: At 10:55 a.m., Snoqualmie firefighters responded to a small grass fire in North Bend.

Fire: At 6:28 p.m., Snoqualmie firefighters were dispatched to an outbuilding fire at Curtis Park. A bystander noticed smoke and a little flame coming from the post of a gazebo. She extinguished it with her soda can; there was minimal damage to the post. Firefighters watered the post to be sure.

Sunday, July 9

Water leak: At 2:55 p.m., Snoqualmie firefighters responded to a report of water leaking over Reinig Road. Public works was contacted and staff said they were aware of the leak, which was going to be repaired Wednesday.

River rescue: At 3:59 p.m., Snoqualmie firefighters assisted in walking a woman from the river to the road. She refused treatment and was escorted to her car.

Monday, July 10

Collision: At 11:34 p.m., Snoqualmie firefighters responded to a one-car motor vehicle accident on Highway 18. The crew arrived and saw the car was against the median with the front driver side wheel off. The driver was standing outside of vehicle when the crew arrived and refused services. Washington State Patrol then evaluated the patient.

Medical aid: In addition to the above calls, Snoqualmie EMTs responded to 17 medical aid incidents, bringing the total number of calls to date to 600.