King County Executive Dow Constantine has announced the sixth year of Community Service Area grant funding for residents of unincorporated areas.
“The Community Service Area grants help build strong communities through creative projects,” said Constantine. “We’re proud to support the neighborhood clean-ups, movie nights and youth projects that make King County such a great place to call home.”
A total of $60,000 in King County Community Service Area Program grant funding is available for projects costing less than $5,000. Project examples include events, such as concerts, festivals, and educational and safety projects; neighborhood improvement projects, such as tree planting, graffiti removal and clean-up; community-led planning or training; and signs for a neighborhood or community.
Proposals should demonstrate how activities would be accessible to all unincorporated King County residents regardless of race, income, or language spoken.
A minimum match of 25 percent in the form of volunteer time, cash or in-kind services of the total project cost is required. Applications are due Friday, Nov. 18.
Priority for funding will be given to locally based, community-led organizations in unincorporated King County that encourage collaborations and partnerships.
“King County’s unincorporated neighborhoods are great places to live, and projects funded through this grant program demonstrate how local residents support and have fun together,” said Alan Painter, manager of King County’s unincorporated Community Service Area program.
Information about the 2017 application process, and a list of the 2016 and previous year awardees is available online, or by contacting Marissa Alegria, (206) 477-4523.