Eastside Fire’s Prop. 1 is on Carnation ballot Feb. 14

A $5.5 million bond issue for the construction of a new fire station in May Valley and improvements to five other stations in Fire District 10 will be on the Feb. 14 ballot for Carnation voters. The measure, Proposition 1, is a 20-year bond that would cost voters an estimated 9 cents per $1,000 of assessed value in property taxes ($27 a year for a $300,000 home), to raise a total of $5.5 million. Of that amount, $4 million is budgeted for the new May Valley station, which will be the future home of Fire Station 78, now in Kent, at the outer edge of Fire District 10.

A $5.5 million bond issue for the construction of a new fire station in May Valley and improvements to five other stations in Fire District 10 will be on the Feb. 14 ballot for Carnation voters.

The measure, Proposition 1, is a 20-year bond that would cost voters an estimated 9 cents per $1,000 of assessed value in property taxes ($27 a year for a $300,000 home), to raise a total of $5.5 million. Of that amount, $4 million is budgeted for the new May Valley station, which will be the future home of Fire Station 78, at the outer edge of Fire District 10.

The remaining $1.5 million will be used to complete updates already in progress, along with new remodels at other stations, as follows:

Carnation – completing the conversion of a dorm into five separate bedrooms for the career and volunteer firefighters on staff. Eastside Fire & Rescue also hopes to develop a parcel of land in the area, which it owns, into a training facility, for needs specific to the Valley.

Preston – replacing the bay doors and installing a fire alarm system on the 50-plus year-old, all-volunteer station.

Tiger Mountain – remodeling the kitchen and installing a fire alarm system in the facility, which is moving from all-volunteer to include overnight staff members.

Maple Hills – remodeling the station to accommodate overnight staff members, and adding a fire alarm system.

Issquah Headquarters – adding covered and enclosed parking for emergency response vehicles.

EFR Fire Chief Lee Soptich said these projects might have to be scaled back if the new station’s construction costs exceed the budgeted $4 million.

Learn more about EFR’s ballot measure at http://www.eastsidefire-rescue.org/