Feeding a need

SNOQUALMIE - The kids of the middle-school ministry of Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Snoqualmie had everything to make a great supper last Friday at their church on Alpha Street.

SNOQUALMIE – The kids of the middle-school ministry of Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Snoqualmie had everything to make a great supper last Friday at their church on Alpha Street.

They had food, and lots of it – everything from apple wedges to soup. They had the numbers: about 25 kids turned out on a Friday evening when sports and a beautiful day tempted them outside.

They also had the spirit. If a child wasn’t working away in the kitchen on the meal, they were anxiously awaiting people to greet at the front door.

“Remember when Jesus said, ‘I was hungry and you fed me?'” asked ministry leader and parent Anita Florence of the group. “Just know that what we are doing tonight is for God.”

Everything was set. The only thing the meal lacked was the people to eat it. The church had prepared food for as many as a hundred people, but they had to eat the meal themselves.

The idea for the supper was born out of the middle-school group’s volunteer efforts last year at the Family Kitchen Supper at St. James Church in Seattle. After helping serve food to the homeless and impoverished of Seattle, the kids and leaders of the ministry decided they wanted to do something to help those with similar plights in the Valley.

“It felt good to see the other people eating when they were hungry,” said Snoqualmie Middle School eighth-grader Kristin Kawalski, who had helped out at the St. James’ supper. “It was good for us because society doesn’t say that much about poverty.”

The middle-school ministry decided to hold “The Lord’s Supper” on the first Friday of every month, with last week’s being the inaugural meal. They contacted churches, food banks and senior centers, confident they could get a good turnout.

Florence, however, is still convinced the need is there and the group is resolute in trying again. After brainstorming with the kids on Sunday about how to get the word out, she said the group is still rearing to go. They hope to coordinate van rides in order to get people to the supper, and they plan to put the word out to more churches and social-service agencies.

Florence said the food might also be available for the road. After a conversation with her daughter, Florence realized some families with children might be embarrassed to come. She decided the supper would also serve “take-out” and allow people to stock-up on food to take home.

“It’s still a good ministry and it’s still important and it’s still something we need to do,” Florence said. “The kids are still upbeat and ready.”

You can reach Ben Cape at (425) 888-2311, or e-mail him at ben.cape@valleyrecord.com.