Grange launches dairy drive for food bank

The Sallal Grange kicked off its Dairy Drive for the Mount Si Helping Hand Food Bank in North Bend on Tuesday, Jan. 3, with Grange members stationed in the North Bend QFC, requesting donations of yogurt, cream, and other perishable dairy goods.

The Sallal Grange kicked off its Dairy Drive for the Mount Si Helping Hand Food Bank in North Bend on Tuesday, Jan. 3, with Grange members stationed in the North Bend QFC, requesting donations of yogurt, cream, and other perishable dairy goods.

Food donations are usually non-perishables, but this project specifically targets perishable donations. The Grange has a cooler and ice on site, with a thermometer to ensure that the dairy items are kept at the proper temperature. The chilled items are then whisked to the food bank’s coolers.

The Mt Si Helping Hand Food Bank is pleased with this arrangement, but prefers donations other than milk, because they can purchase milk now at a very good price.

“We were well received and appreciated the attitude of the people. When they realized that we were asking for donations for the food bank, they were friendly and helpful, in spite of their finances” said Leah Aichele, a Grange member volunteering at the first dairy drive.

Grange members plan to have a donation table set up near the bakery every Tuesday evening around dinner time for the next two months.