In brief

North Bend, Snoqualmie and Carnation veterans who are interested in returning to work can check out opportunities at several upcoming meetings hosted by WorkSource of Seattle and King County.

Job meetings set

for Valley veterans

North Bend, Snoqualmie and Carnation veterans who are interested in returning to work can check out opportunities at several upcoming meetings hosted by WorkSource of Seattle and King County.

Several meetings on employment have been set.

The first meeting is 9 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Aug. 20, at North Bend Community Church, 126 E. Third St., North Bend.

The second meeting is 9 a.m. to noon on Thursday, Aug. 21, at the Carnation Hopelink center, 31957 Commercial St., Carnation.

The third meeting is 1 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 21, at the Snoqualmie Library, 7824 Center Blvd. S.E., at Snoqualmie Ridge.

For information, call (425) 861-3788 or e-mail to