King County Fire Protection District #27, commissioner candidate Jim Needham

Candidate question and answer.

Have you ever been a firefighter? If so, for how long?

I have never been a firefighter.

If the $2.4 million levy fails in November, will it be on the ballot again? If it ultimately fails, what will you do to ensure the district still has adequate emergency services?

The department must be able to demonstrate that we can manage the business of fire and emergency services if we expect the community to continue to support our funding requirements.

How would you like to see fireworks handled in the future?

I would support a countywide ban on their sale and use.

What are the issues are facing the Fall City Fire Department now?

We are facing major issues:

* How to staff the department in the future;

* What is the best balance of equipment we will need in order to protect the public’s interests; and,

* How we maintain the highly skilled and motivated volunteer firefighters force.

Why should the people of District 27 elect you?

I believe that it will be vitally important for the community to enjoy the highest level of fire and emergency services in the future. We will need to demonstrate to the community that we have the skills to effectively plan for and deliver to their expectations. I bring 35 years of business experience in both the private and public sector.