Missing classmates sought for ’68 reunion

Wanted: the whereabouts and phone numbers of dozens of graduates of Mount Si High School.

Wanted: the whereabouts and phone numbers of dozens of graduates of Mount Si High School.

A big group of grads are MIA from the Rolodexes of fellow classmates, organizing the 40-year reunion of the Class of 1968.

“We’re just trying to find some of them,” said class member Marsha Barnett. “We need their e-mail address or their phone number, some way of contacting them.”

“People are so mobile, especially the class of 1968,” she added. “That was quite the year.”

Barnett said she remembers her crop of graduates as a fun, positive and very close class.

As they meet and get together, many classmates are finding they still have a lot in common.

Still, it’s been surprising how things have turned out for the Class of ’68 over the last 40 years.

“The ones you’d think would grow up to be less successful, the goofballs, have ended up being presidents of corporations,” Barnett said. Meanwhile, the ones she predicted would be heads of companies lead quiet lives.

“You can’t predict how people are going to turn out in high school,” Barnett said.

Reunion organizers have been able to figure out what cities some missing classmates now live in, but don’t have a way to connect with them. Classmate-finder Web sites, for example, don’t always give out phone numbers.

“That makes it really hard,” Barnett said.

Anyone with information about the missing class members is encouraged to contact Barnett at (425) 961-0408.

The Class of 1968 reunion is planned for 1 p.m. Saturday, August 2, at 43001 S.E. 92nd Street, North Bend, at a spot known as “Grannie Norman’s place,” named after the grandmother of one of the ’68 classmates, on the Snoqualmie River near Bybee farm.

RSVPs are requested by July 5. The casual-attire event includes a BYOB barbecue and costs $25 to attend.

For more information, contact Ron Brown at (425) 888-1525 or mail to Class of ’68, P.O. Box 456, Snoqualmie WA, 98065.

Members sought

Organizers of the upcoming 40-year reunion are looking for ways to get in touch with the following classmates: Lani Anderson, Darrell Bailes, Chloe Beardsley, Jerome Bretchneider, Cathy Crooker, Diane Dawson, Sandy Dickenson, Pam Hale, Diane Hamar, Pat Howard, Barb Johnson, Ed Mustgraves, Ken Penaluna, Jim Perryman, Al Posey, Rob Ransom, Jerry Reece, Linda Shoemaker, Pam Sleeth, Gary Sletton, Bruce Soderlund, Vicki Strutz, Linda Thayer, John Vincent, Virgie Willett, Tom Wren and Shirley Young.