The Snoqualmie Tribe seated a new chairwoman following tribal council elections in April.
The election, which passed its 72-hour challenge window without an official appeal on April 15, was held as a redo of tribal elections held last May. Those elections were challenged by several tribal members and invalidated by the tribal court later that year. In November, the tribal council voted to bring in a third-party administrator run the election.
April’s election was conducted by the TruBallot company and cost $10,000, paid for by the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs.
In results forwarded to the BIA, Monroe resident Shelley Burch was elected to a four-year term as tribal chairwoman. Nina Repin was elected to a four-year council term. Two alternates, Jake Repin and Jolene Williams, were elected to two-year terms.
Candidates took their oath of office from head chief Jerry Enick on Thursday, April 15. They will be formally seated on May 15.
In a letter to BIA officials, Administrator Matt Mattson thanked the agency for support as the tribe matures its legal and governing structure.
“We are happy to be moving forward with a transition of power that maintains continuity of government,” Mattson stated.