Nine Snoqualmie Valley teachers earn challenging board certification

Nine teachers in the Snoqualmie Valley School District recently received their certifications from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. They were honored at a recent meeting of the Snoqualmie Valley School Board for successfully completing the challenging process, and bringing the number of board-certified teachers in the district to 23. The teachers are: Melanie Breitbach, Lisa Truemper, and Diana Young-Blanchard of Mount Si High School; Elise Cooksley of Two Rivers School; Paul Dobberfuhl and Catherine Fredenburg of Chief Kanim Middle School; Chris Harting of Opstad Elementary School; Gerald Maher of Snoqualmie Middle School; and Kyle Wallace, Twin Falls Middle School.

Superintendent Joel Aune commended the teachers for “exemplifying the profession of teaching.”

The certification process is long and rigorous. Teachers must demonstrate in-depth knowledge of their subject matter, and commitments to student learning and professional development. They also go through a strict peer review and challenging testing process.