The date was Feb. 20, 1897. A small group met on the doorstep of the public school in North Bend. It was raining and the doors were locked. Despite the setback, they conducted the business of the day: forming the First Baptist Church of North Bend, which would one day become North Bend Community Church.
On Sunday, Feb. 18, the congregation celebrated its 110th anniversary with a special worship service. The Rev. Pete Battjes preached a sermon titled “Stones of Remembrance,” based on Joshua, chapters 3-4, which tell of the Israelites crossing the Jordan River into the promised land.
The passages relate a time of transition, recognizing the importance of the past but looking toward the future, Battjes said. While remembering the past – such as the church’s history – is important, it is more important to use that history as a foundation for looking to the future and fulfilling God’s plan, he said.
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