North Bend PTA makes student fundraisers into limo-riding celebrities for a day | Photo Gallery

Students were all smiles as they hopped out of the stretch Hummer, making the most of their celebrity treatment for the day. They posed for the paparazzi, charged down the red carpet, and flashed their VIP passes at every opportunity, and topped the whole thing off with a limousine ride in the stretch Hummer through North Bend.

Students were all smiles as they hopped out of the stretch Hummer, making the most of their celebrity treatment for the day. They posed for the paparazzi, charged down the red carpet, and flashed their VIP passes at every opportunity, and topped the whole thing off with a limousine ride in the stretch Hummer through North Bend.

This was the scene April 1 at North Bend Elementary, where the PTA was celebrating a very successful fundraiser.

“Our goal was $6,000 and we made $9,000” said PTA president Kristi Brooks, dressed as a limo driver for the day. The PTA rewarded those students who sold more than 20 items in the fundraiser with the limo ride, sharing costs with the catalog company.

A total of 35 students won a ride in a limo, and the front drive of the school was busy for over an hour as one grade level after another took their victory tour of the town.

Waiting for their turn on the red carpet, in front of PTA presidents Kristi Brooks and teacher Chrissy McCloskey, second graders at North Bend Elementary strike poses appropriate to their celebrity-for-a-day status. From left are Lila Poland, Audrey Lorenz, Joey Phillips and Aiden Gurno.

A stretch Hummer limousine waits outside North Bend Elementary, ready to tour the city with a group of students who won the honor through a PTA fundraiser. The North Bend PTA and the catalog company of the fundraiser agreed to split the cost of the limousine so students could have the experience.

Striking a wide variety of poses, first graders from North Bend Elementary commemorate their trip in a stretch Hummer limousine.

In chauffeur costume, PTA president Kristi Brooks visits the North Bend Elementary playground to find the PTA’s contest winners. Students who sold 20 or more items in the PTA’s recent fundraiser earned a limo ride through the city. “Our goal was $6,000 and we made $9,000” said Brooks, and 35 students won a ride in a limo.

Michael Chapman climbs up, ready for his ride in a limo with his first-grade classmates, at North Bend Elementary School April 1.

An excited Michael Chapman jumps down from a limousine ride, his VIP experience for the day almost over, but not to be forgotten. As students piled out of the stretch Hummer, one announced, “this was the best day of my life!”