Out of the Past: Festival at Mount Si

The Festival at Mount Si honors the community spirit of North Bend as it preserves the past, celebrates the present, and embraces the future. The event has changed a lot, but its focus on community spirit, coming together and fun for all ages has never diminished.


“We’ve got something for everybody,” says George Macris, president of the North Bend Chamber of Commerce. That’s pretty much the slogan for ‘75’s Alpine Days, which featured a raft race sponsored by Kiwanis, a salmon bake, chicken barbecue, a Sallal Grange fair, women’s baseball tournament sponsored by North Bend Tavern, and a bicentennial picnic. It begins with a teenage street dance Friday night. After that, one of eight young students will be crowned Alpine Days Queen.


The American Legion Pickering Post carried Old Glory again. Marching with the color guard was Jesse Santini, holder of the Congressional Medal of Honor. Santini’s heroism in combat during the Korean War earned him our nation’s highest military decoration.

“I’ve never missed a North Bend parade in 25 years,” claims Ed Lane, the number-one horseman in the Valley, named grand marshal. He and wife Penny have ridden horses in all the parades. Why change now? So, no convertible for Ed, who, at 80, still keeps busy on his “horse spread” outside North Bend.


Alpine Days King Todd Mills and Queen Kari Miller rode in the convertible in the 1988 parade. Candidates for King and Queen are judged on talent, poise and ticket sales. Grand marshals are Jack and Mary Ferrell. Jack is a forest ranger and scoutmaster, while Mary is a den leader and Sunday school teacher.


Evelyn “Evie” Offield has always loved working with children. She taught third grade for decades at North Bend Elementary until her retirement. Now, she will lead the Alpine Days Torchlight Parade as grand marshal. One of six kids born at her family’s Ballarat Avenue home, she graduated from North Bend High School in 1940.

Among activities planned are a Twin Peaks spoof at Twin Peaks High School (Mount Si), a Victorian Garden Party at the Vinnedge residence, gospel, rock and roll and country music, and a mini-aquarium on wheels at Si View Park.


Little kids and big kids alike swarmed around J.P. Patches and Gertrude for a chance to get their autographs at North Bend Days. The clowns drew crowds on the sidewalk and during their show in Kids Alley.


Former Snoqualmie Middle School Principal Jack McCullough, who retired at the end of this school year, leads the parade as Grand Marshal. Principal for 11 years, he started in the Valley as an assistant principal at North Bend Elementary in 1978. McCullough came to love the Valley as much as he loved teaching. The community has always supported the schools, he says.


Nels Melgaard, owner of the Nursery at Mount Si, drove a bed of flowers down main street in the scoop of his tractor. Melgaard took home the first-place trophy in the floats division of Alpine Days judging.