One day after some surprising winter sunshine broke through, Mother Nature dumped several inches of snow on the Valley on the evening of Monday, Jan. 14.
It was standing room only in Snoqualmie Valley Hospital’s Weyerhaeuser Room Thursday night, Jan. 17, when the King County Public Hospital District 4 Board of Directors took comments from residents on the proposed sale of the 25-year-old hospital campus near Meadowbrook.
In real life, crime can be violent, but the good guys sometimes win.
The Snoqualmie City Council will consider an agreement to provide police, fire and sewer service to Snoqualmie Tribe’s property, including Casino Snoqualmie, at its Monday, Jan. 28, regular meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. at the Snoqualmie Fire Station, 37600 Snoqualmie Parkway S.E.
Concerned about billings by an engineering firm working for the city of Snoqualmie, a Snoqualmie Ridge developer hired an attorney to challenge the issue before the Snoqualmie City Council during its Monday, Jan. 14, meeting.
Concerns over a recent Mount Si High School assembly brought an overflow crowd of residents, students and media to the Snoqualmie Valley School District Board of Director’s regular meeting Thursday evening, Jan. 24.
In the spirit of the holidays, a small group of missionaries from Mountain View Baptist Church in North Bend and Mosaic Seattle Church recently traveled to Romania to provide humanitarian relief and simple comforts to the country’s Gypsy population.
A more than 90-year-old visitor has arrived in Snoqualmie for some much-needed TLC – and no, the guest isn’t here to enjoy a Salish Lodge spa package.
Investigators with the U.S Postal Service are seeking the public’s help in finding out who broke into the Preston post office over the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
Ruth Moen, new principal of the Snoqualmie Valley School District’s new middle school, didn’t want to call it a day Thursday night, Jan. 24, until she found out what the name of her new assignment was going to be.
The Snoqualmie Valley Record welcomes new reporter Denise Miller and new account executive Christina Wester.
Snoqualmie Pass was closed for four days in a row last week, after heavy snow made the busy highway corridor rife with avalanche risk.
North Bend Mayor Ken Hearing laughed as he assessed the newest additions to his otherwise immaculate front yard: a baker’s dozen plastic pink flamingos and a sign announcing, “You’ve Been Flocked!”