King County’s Roads division has announced plans to repaint the landmark Stossel Bridge on Carnation Farm Road this summer. The 1951 bridge will be closed July 14 to Sept. 29 during the project, which will include removal of the old paint.
The bridge will be closed to all but emergency vehicles during the project. The suggested detour for all other vehicles, including school buses, is to take S.R. 203 north to 124th Street, across the valley, then down West Snoqualmie Valley Road to Northeast 80th Street, which connects to Northeast Carnation Farm Road.
During the bridge project, workers will set up a containment layer to capture all of the project debris as they remove the old paint, some of which is lead based and considered hazardous waste. The containment system will prevent toxic materials from getting into the river or onto the riverbanks, but will force the full closure of the bridge during the work. Once the bridge is stripped, crews will repair and straighten beams as needed, then repaint the bridge the same green color. The bride will retain its landmark status.
Cost of the project is estimated at $976,000.
King County is communicating with emergency responders and other community stakeholders, including school districts, fire departments and campgrounds, to help them plan for the bridge closure.