Join the Novelty Cemetery Association and the Duvall Historical Society for the fourth annual twilight tour of the tranquil and picturesque Novelty Cemetery on Friday, Aug. 31 at 7 p.m. Deceased Snoqualmie Valley residents will be brought back to life by re-enactors telling stories of their lives.
The Novelty Cemetery dates back to 1901 when a five-acre piece of land was donated by a local resident. It replaced the historic Pioneer Cemetery that is located at the Dougherty Farmstead Museum in Duvall. That cemetery had to be closed due to the multitude of springs on the hillside. Many war veterans, mayors and other prominent Duvall residents are buried in the Novelty Cemetery.
The program is free and the public is welcome. For more information on Duvall history, go to www. duvallhistoricalsociety. org.
Directions: From Duvall, head south on SR 203 to the roundabout at 124th. Take the third exit to go up the
hill. Turn right at the first paved road on the right and follow it to the end of the pavement. The road narrows, but takes you to the cemetery gates. From Carnation, head north to the roundabout at 124th and take the first exit.