Riverview School District’s Program for the Academically Talented (PAT) is now accepting referrals for the 2012-13 school year.
The goal of PAT is to support and provide appropriate academic challenge to students, grades 1 through 4, with extraordinary ability in reading, language arts or math.
Parents can request a referral packet from their child’s elementary school office. Both the teacher and parent referral forms must be returned to the PAT Office at Carnation Elementary by Monday, Dec. 9. Late referrals or private testing results will not be accepted.
First- through fourth-graders considered for the program must take an achievement test Saturday, Jan. 21, at Carnation Elementary School, from 9 a.m. to noon. Those students scoring in the 90th percentile or higher will advance to another round of testing Feb. 11.
Learn more about Riverview Schools at http://www.riverview.wednet.edu/