Riverview Youth Council, Cedarcrest PTSA hosting suicide-prevention panel

The Riverview Youth Council and Cedarcrest High School’s PTSA will take a closer look at the issues of suicide and bullying, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 3, in the Cedarcrest High School Library. The agenda for the evening will include a discussion about suicide prevention, bullying and bias-based harassment, and a student panel will respond to questions from the audience. Presenters Kelly McDonald and Heather Carter will facilitate the event.

The Riverview Youth Council and Cedarcrest High School’s PTSA will take a closer look at the issues of suicide and bullying, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 3, in the Cedarcrest High School Library.

The agenda for the evening will include a discussion about suicide prevention, bullying and bias-based harassment, and a student panel will respond to questions from the audience. Presenters Kelly McDonald and Heather Carter will facilitate the event.

McDonald is a certified ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) instructor who facilitates suicide awareness education for the Youth Suicide Prevention Program. She provides support for peer-to-peer suicide prevention education to community groups and schools.

Carter began working in the Youth Suicide Prevention Program in 2007, coordinating expansion of suicide prevention services to gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual and questioning youth.  She is collaborating with the GLBTQ community to create an infrastructure of community development activities in support of suicide prevention.  She is also helping organizations that work with GLBTQ youth increase their knowledge and skills in the area of suicide prevention.

Recently, she has expanded the OUTLoud Project to focus on bullying and bias-based harassment. She is a former crisis intervention counselor and crisis skills trainer.

For more information, call Leanne Christensen (360) 794-1681.