Sign up now for women’s defense class, starting Feb. 21 in North Bend

A self-defense course designed for women of any fitness level is now being offered in North Bend. The Snoqualmie Police Department offers this popular course to women ages 16 and up who live or work in Snoqualmie or North Bend.

The course teaches techniques ranging from risk reduction to real-life scenarios, using the nationally-recognized Rape Aggression Defense System (R.A.D.) program. Certified instructors Corporal Nigel Draveling and retired Officer Dave Bond will teach the course.

Participants must attend all four classes for a total of 12 hours. Classes will be 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 21, 22, 28 and March 1, at Cascade Covenant Church, 13225 436th Ave. SE in North Bend. Cost of the course is $30, payable by cash or check the first day of class.

For more information or to register, send email to Officer Draveling at

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