Survey to explore city’s carbon footprint; How green is my Snoqualmie?

Residents can help the city of Snoqualmie measure its carbon footprint.

Residents can help the city of Snoqualmie measure its carbon footprint.

As part of the Snoqualmie City Council goals for 2009, the city is mapping its environmental practices and impacts.

The city has explored environmentally sensitive strategies in recent years, such as wastewater recycling, pedestrian-oriented urban design, and energy-saving code requirements in new housing. More green-oriented projects are planned or underway.

City officials are seeking input from citizens on what they know about environmental sustainability issues and programs.

An online survey was developed by a University of Washington student team from the Community, Environment and Planning Program. They have embarked on a study of Snoqualmie’s sustainability framework and its carbon footprint. Survey results will add to their research and will be included in reports throughout the project.

The survey can be found via a link at All answers and comments are anonymous.