Take mom on an arts tour this weekend

Mothers can spend time with their families, while enjoying a meal at a unique event Mother’s Day weekend running from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, May 9 and 10.

Mothers can spend time with their families, while enjoying a meal at a unique event Mother’s Day weekend running from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, May 9 and 10.

Families can explore lush Valley landscapes, shop among unique handcrafted gifts and fresh-picked flowers, tour a wood-carving studio, enjoy live music and visual art exhibits plus a Mother’s Day card-crafting party for kids. The centerpiece of the Swing Rock: Snoqualmie River Valley Women in Arts Tour is a cultural arts showcase hosted by women-owned and-managed venues along the back roads of North Bend, Snoqualmie and Carnation.

A free bus is available for the tour on Saturday, leaving North Bend at 2 p.m., with hour long stops in Snoqualmie and Carnation before returning to North Bend. Tour guides will join passengers to share local folklore, point out historic landmarks and provide other information. Seating is limited, call (425) 761-1687 for bus reservations.

A printed event program with tour map is available to those visitors who cannot join the bus tour or want to travel on their own. The tour map is also available on mobile devices throught the app, found online at http://events.smartcrowdz.com/swingrock/about.