Teens invited to join Kathy Lambert’s Youth Advisory Council

Metropolitan King County Councilmember Kathy Lambert invites youth in Northeast King County to become more informed and involved with public issues and government. Her Youth Advisory Council will review the topics of cyber bullying and cyber security in January. Middle school- and high school-age youth who live in King County Council District 3 can join Councilmember Lambert at the next meeting of the Youth Advisory Council for an information and discussion session. The program is scheduled for Saturday, January 5, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Fall City Library. To register, please call (206) 296-1003.

Metropolitan King County Councilmember Kathy Lambert invites youth in Northeast King County to become more informed and involved with public issues and government. Her Youth Advisory Council will review the topics of cyber bullying and cyber security in January.

Middle school- and high school-age youth who live in King County Council District 3 can join Councilmember Lambert at the next meeting of the Youth Advisory Council for an information and discussion session. The program is scheduled for Saturday, January 5, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Fall City Library. To register, please call (206) 296-1003.

“I am extremely interested in the issues that young people face today, and in how to get youth involved in the public policy decisions that will affect them and their friends and families for many years to come,” said Councilmember Lambert.

This session will provide an opportunity for teens to learn about King County’s policies and operations, as well as to share their thoughts about issues important to them, and to strategize about solutions to problems. The topic of internet safety and security was suggested by Youth Advisory Council members at the previous meeting.

Anyone interested in participating in the January 5 program can contact Councilmember Lambert’s office for more information at (206) 296-1003 or Kathy.Lambert@kingcounty.gov.