Valley Calendar

• Jonny Smokes plays at 9 p.m. at Finaghty’s Irish Pub and Restaurant, 7726 Center Blvd. S.E., Suite 110, Snoqualmie Ridge; (425) 888-8833.


Thursday, June 11

• Jonny Smokes plays at 9 p.m. at Finaghty’s Irish Pub and Restaurant, 7726 Center Blvd. S.E., Suite 110, Snoqualmie Ridge; (425) 888-8833.

• Bruce Hornsby performs at 8 p.m. at the Snoqualmie Casino, 7500 S.E. North Bend Way, Snoqualmie.

• Karaoke from 8 to 11 p.m. at the Raging River Cafe and Club, 33723 Redmond-Fall City Rd., Fall City; (425) 222-6669.

Friday, June 12

• Shelley & The Curves play at the Raging River Cafe and Club, 33723 Redmond-Fall City Rd., Fall City; (425) 222-6669.

Saturday, June 13

• Big Dog Revue plays at the Raging River Cafe and Club, 33723 Redmond-Fall City Rd., Fall City; (425) 222-6669.

• Love Trucker plays at Finaghty’s Irish Pub and Restaurant, 7726 Center Blvd. S.E., Suite 110, Snoqualmie Ridge; (425) 888-8833.

Tuesday, June 16

• Open mic is 6:30 to 9 p.m. every Tuesday at Twede’s Cafe, 137 W. North Bend Way. Anyone is welcome to sing, play an instrument or put on an act. For more information, call (425) 831-5511.

• Karaoke from 8 to 11 p.m. at the Raging River Cafe and Club, 33723 Redmond-Fall City Rd., Fall City; (425) 222-6669


Wednesday, June 10

• Anime and Manga Group meets at 3 p.m. at the Snoqualmie Library, 7824 Center Blvd. S.E.; (425) 888-1223. Teens can watch anime movies, eat popcorn and practice anime drawing.

Thursday, June 11

• GED Lab is 2:30 p.m. at the North Bend Library, 115 E. 4th St., North Bend; (425) 888-0554. Trained Hopelink volunteers will be available to assist in improving reading, writing and math skills in preparation for the GED.

• Game On! is 3 p.m. at the Fall City Library, 33415 S.E. 42nd Pl.; (425) 222-5951. Teens can play Xbox 360, PlayStation, Guitar Hero and DDR at the library.

• Study Zone for grades K through 12 is 4 p.m. at the Snoqualmie Library, 7824 Center Blvd. S.E.; (425) 888-1223. Teens can drop in during scheduled hours for free homework help in all subjects from volunteer tutors.

• Snoqualmie Valley Chess Group meets at 7 p.m. at the North Bend Library, 115 E. 4th St., North Bend; (425) 888-0554. Learn to play chess or get a game going. All ages and skill levels welcome.

Friday, June 12

• Game On! is 3 p.m. at the North Bend Library, 115 E. 4th St., North Bend; (425) 888-0554. Teens can play Xbox 360, PlayStation, Nintendo DS, Guitar Hero and DDR at the library.

Monday, June 15

• Study Zone for grades K through 12 is 3 p.m. at the North Bend Library, 115 E. 4th St., North Bend; (425) 888-0554. Drop in during scheduled Study Zone hours for free homework help in all subjects from volunteer tutors.

• Blooming Art, a brief history of flower painting, is 7 p.m. at the Snoqualmie Library, presented by Susan Olds. View a presentation on the history of floral painting.

Tuesday, June 16

• Study Zone for grades K through 12 is 3 p.m. at the Snoqualmie Library, 7824 Center Blvd. S.E.; (425) 888-1223. Teens can drop in during scheduled hours for free homework help in all subjects from volunteer tutors.

• Teen Writing Circle is 3 p.m. at the North Bend Library, 115 E. 4th St.; (425) 888-0554. Teens in grades six to 12 can write, share and get feedback to improve your work.

• Study Zone for grades K through 12 is 5 p.m. at the North Bend Library, 115 E. 4th St., North Bend; (425) 888-0554. Drop in during scheduled Study Zone hours for free homework help in all subjects from volunteer tutors.

• Computer Class: Microsoft Word Level 2 is 6:30 p.m. at the Snoqualmie Library.

• Snoqualmie Book Group discusses “Ines Of My Soul” by Isabel Allende, 6:30 p.m. at the Snoqualmie Library.

Wednesday, June 17

• Anime and Manga Group meets at 3 p.m. at the Snoqualmie Library, 7824 Center Blvd. S.E.; (425) 888-1223. Teens can watch anime movies, eat popcorn and practice anime drawing.

• Friends of the Snoqualmie Library officer’s meeting is 6 p.m. at the Snoqualmie Library.

Thursday, June 18

• GED Lab is 2:30 p.m. at the North Bend Library, 115 E. 4th St., North Bend; (425) 888-0554. Trained Hopelink volunteers will be available to assist in improving reading, writing and math skills in preparation for the GED.

• Game On! is 3 p.m. at the Fall City Library, 33415 S.E. 42nd Pl.; (425) 222-5951. Teens can play Xbox 360, PlayStation, Guitar Hero and DDR at the library.

• Study Zone for grades K through 12 is 4 p.m. at the Snoqualmie Library, 7824 Center Blvd. S.E.; (425) 888-1223. Teens can drop in during scheduled hours for free homework help in all subjects from volunteer tutors.

• Snoqualmie Valley Chess Group meets at 7 p.m. at the North Bend Library, 115 E. 4th St.,

North Bend; (425) 888-0554. Learn to play chess or get a game going.

June 15 to Aug. 31

• Summer reading program through Aug. 31 at Valley libraries. Teens who read three books and write three reviews get a prize. Teens can read a book, make a movie and put their movie on YouTube.


Saturday, June 13

• Worldwide Knit in Public Day is 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Snoqualmie Library, both at the meeting room and outside in the courtyard, weather permitting. Join other knitters and crocheters world-wide in knitting together on the same day.