Police and fire agencies in the Snoqualmie Valley responded to the following calls:
Snoqualmie Police Dept.
Wednesday, Oct. 8
Drove into building: At 12:47 p.m., police were called to the 500 block of East North Bend Way, North Bend, for a vehicle accident. A witness reported that a Jeep Wrangler drove into the front of a gas station. The driver had a warrant from Shoreline, so police arrested the subject and booked him into jail, also charging him with negligent driving.
Bushwhacking: At 1:05 p.m., a caller reported that a man and woman were thrashing through some brush in the area of Pickett Avenue Northeast and Northeast Eighth Street, and that at one point, the man was not wearing any pants. The man left to put pants on and the woman continued to hack at the brush with a machete. Police contacted the couple and found out they were searching the bushes for his lost wallet.
Thursday, Oct. 9
What’s cooking?: At 1:37 p.m., a caller asked police to check on a large yellow van in the Snoqualmie YMCA parking lot. The van had smoke coming from it, from a barbecue. Police contacted the owner, who’d been in the Y taking a shower. He said he had a custom wood stove inside the camper, and was cooking ham hocks on it.
Friday, Oct. 10
Took the tips: At 1:32 p.m., a caller in the 400 block of East North Bend Way, North Bend, reported a theft. The caller said three minutes earlier, a woman in her 30s swiped the tip jar off the counter and left. Police were given the business security tape, which the caller said should have the woman on it, and the woman’s license plate number.
Snoqualmie Fire Dept.
Thursday, Oct. 2
Oven alarm: At 12:22 p.m., Snoqualmie firefighters were dispatched to the Salish Lodge & Spa for an automatic fire alarm. After investigation, it was determined that it was a false alarm set off by an oven hood in the kitchen that malfunctioned.
Monoxide alarm: At 4:22 p.m., Snoqualmie firefighters responded to the Snoqualmie Ridge area for a residential carbon monoxide alarm. After investigation, it was determined that the alarm was sounding due to a malfunctioning detector.
Friday, Oct. 3
Car in a culvert: At 11:42 a.m., Snoqualmie Firefighters responded with Eastside Fire & Rescue for a reported one car-one semi‐truck motor vehicle accident on SR 18 near the Raging River. Upon arrival, crews found two patients, one out of the car and the other still in the car, on its roof in a drainage culvert. The vehicle reportedly tried to do a U‐turn in front of the semi‐truck. The patients had minor injuries and were transported to the hospital for evaluation.
Saturday, Oct. 4
Smoke or fire: At 5:32 p.m., Snoqualmie firefighters responded to the area of westbound I‐90 near milepost 24 for a report of smoke in the area. Upon arrival, no smoke was found, just a general haze through the area, likely caused by area residents burning yard debris.
Monday, Oct. 6
Alarm pull: At 3:20 a.m., Snoqualmie firefighters responded to Echo Glen Children’s Center for an automatic fire alarm. While en route, staff from the center informed dispatch that the alarm had been accidentally pulled, and there was no fire.
Medical calls: In addition to the above calls, Snoqualmie EMTs responded to 15 medical aid calls, bringing the total yearly response call volume to 900.