What to stock for a disaster

Helping you prepare for a disaster.

Water – Store one gallon of water per person per day.

Food – Store at least a three-day supply of nonperishable food for each person. Select lightweight and compact items and rotate the food supply every six months.

Medications – Keep on hand nonprescription medications such as aspirin, and other items such as rubbing alcohol and a antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide.

First-aid kit – Things to include are: bandages, gauze pads, scissors, tweezers, soap, thermometer and latex gloves, among others.

Tools and supplies – Have ready items such as: paper plates and cups, a battery-operated radio and extra batteries, a flashlight and extra batteries, a utility knife, fire extinguisher, shut-off wrench for gas and water lines and matches in a waterproof container.

Sanitation – This includes: paper towels, personal hygiene supplies, garbage bags, disinfectant and household chlorine bleach.

Clothing and bedding – Have on hand sturdy shoes or work boots, rain gear, blankets or sleeping bags, hats and gloves.

* You can pick up a complete disaster-kit checklist at the City Administration Building, 8020 Railroad Ave. S.E., Snoqualmie.