North Bend, Eastside Fire and Rescue and King Conservation District will be holding a town hall about wildfire resiliency and preparedness at 6 p.m. June 23.
The virtual town hall will be held on Zoom, and will provide information about taking proactive steps to reduce wildfire risks, what Eastside Fire and Rescue is doing, the wildland urban interface, and what it means to live within its boundaries.
North Bend and adjacent unincorporated King County areas are situated near mountains and forests. Living in this area means being prepared for brush and wildfires, including creating defensible spaces around homes, a press release from the city states.
The town hall will include presentations from King Conservation District Wildfire and Forest Resiliency Coordinator Matthew Axe, along with Eastside Fire and Rescue Battalion Chief Dana Schutter. Questions from attendees will also be fielded.
To learn more, call 425-282-1900 or 425-313-3200.
Information on how to join the meeting is below:
Meeting ID: 872 5189 6138 | Passcode: 390273
One tap mobile
+12532158782 Passcode: 390273#