Throughout 2024, we hope you’ve been informed, enlightened, inspired, entertained or educated by the Snoqualmie Valley Record’s coverage of the…
Check your mailbox this week. Many of you will find a mailer inviting you and your household to support local community journalism in the Snoqualmie Valley Record’s 112-year mission by becoming a subscriber.
The hurricane-force winds fueling fast-moving Southern California wildfires have exasperated firefighters in western states for over a century. They quickly…
For most of my life, that’s how I felt about myself.
Years ago, the late journalist Harry Reasoner said this on a CBS historical documentary: “The past is like a foreign…
I have many treasured memories from my four years at the University of Washington, and to this day, they bring…
I have been thinking a lot about an alarming trend in this nation that appears to elevate ignorance.
When President Biden warned FEMA does not have enough money to finish the hurricane season let alone the entire year,…
I met Jessica (pseudonym), a survivor of familial sex trafficking, and Audrey Baedke from the nonprofit REST (Real Escape from the Sex Trade) to understand the invisible reality of child abuse.
Because what we know about this election is that other nations that mean us ill — for example, Russia, China and Iran — are working overtime to influence our election.