In response to Mr. Korsmo’s letter in the March 26 edition of the Valley Record, I simply say one thing: “Bring on the roundabout(s)!”
I personally believe this is absolutely the right solution for an area which reminds me more of a giant game of chicken than a safe place to drive! I would suggest that people take a moment to read the article available on the City of North Bend Web site, entitled “City Plans Second Roundabout – What is a Modern Roundabout?” Many of the points in that article address the misperceptions that people have regarding the safety of roundabouts, as well as being better for the environment by not having cars sitting and idling at a red light, when it’s not necessary,
In addition, I would point readers to the March 2008 City of North Bend Update, also available on the Web site, which points out the following details regarding the upcoming construction: “Construction will consist of placing a single lane roundabout at the intersection along with sidewalks, curb and gutter, illumination, in-pavement lighting at the Orchard Street crosswalk, and landscaping.”
This sounds 100 times better than what we have today, with people trying to make the left turn from Cedar Falls Way and trying to avoid getting hammered by cross traffic. And at least with lighting, a driver will have a chance to see those pedestrians!
In a another recent article, the possibility of a roundabout near the new Casino Snoqualmie has been mentioned. I fully support the idea of a roundabout there as well. There is going to be increased traffic on that road, and as a resident wanting to get around the entrance, I believe that not only can a roundabout provide the necessary safety for that intersection, it can also be part of a wonderful landscaped entrance to this new destination within our Valley.
Berry Rogers
North Bend