Center’s new walk-in is super cool

Letter to the Editor

The Sno-Valley Senior Activity Center has a new walk-in refrigerator up and running at last. It is a beauty and we have many people to thank for making this happen.

Rep. Toby Nixon, with assistance from Larry Springer, got us a grant from the state of Washington so we could build the kitchen extension and buy the refrigerator. Dawn Board, chair of the center’s steak dinner program and “Pie Queen,” gave the hard-earned pie auction money to help make up the difference. Chris Board of Polar Panels assisted us in picking out the best walk-in refrigerator for us, then got a volunteer crew together to assemble it. Karl Lechner did all the refrigeration work for us and held our hands throughout the process. We could not have done this without Karl’s help or boardmember Ray Burhen, who oversaw the whole process.

Paul Telkamp of North Coast Electric Co. donated some materials to trusty electrician Mark Stevens of Snoqualmie Electric who also donated his time. CDK Construction built us a beautiful room for the walk-in refrigerator at a very reasonable cost and with a $1,000 donation back.

This was truly a community effort. Thank you one and all. Our next goal is to raise $8,000 to turn a portion of the walk-in refrigerator into a freezer so we can have both.

A huge thank you also goes to the Duvall Civic Club, which donated $1,000 to the Adult Day Health program. The civic club raises funds for the local community and the library at its annual plant sale on Mother’s Day weekend and its annual Craftsmas Fair. Membership is only $2 to join a club that makes a world of difference in our Valley. Contact Lisa Yeager at the senior center about joining at (425) 333-4152. They meet the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Duvall library.

Truly, it takes a village to run a senior center.

Lisa Yeager, director

Sno-Valley Senior

Activity Center
