In his April 19 editorial, Jim McKiernan asks, “What’s the
question?” with respect to the plight of Elian Gonzales. He adds, “Yes, the
boy should be with his natural, legal parent.”
If the boy were Canadian, Mexican, Japanese, etc., then I would
agree However, at the crux of the whole debate is the question of whether or
not Elian would be going back to Cuba to his father. A Cuban diplomat
this month stated emphatically that Elian was a possession of the God-less
communist Cuban government.
Therefore, the answer to the question is no. Elian should remain in
the land of the free with his Cuban relatives. Think about it. Could you
send back a child to the prison of a totalitarian regime that was the offspring
of a woman who scaled the eastern wall in Berlin with her child, and
tiptoed through the mine field, and then managed to climb to the top of the
western wall with nothing but freedom on the horizon only to be shot in the
back causing her to slump over the wall where she dropped her child into
the West? Would you really send that child back?
You proceed on the notion that Elian’s father, Juan Miguel
Gonzales, wants his child to return to Cuba with him. We have no idea what
Juan Miguel wants. Juan Miguel’s other children are still in Cuba. Castro
is holding a gun to his head. Not unlike the way Jan “The Man” Reno’s
jack-booted thugs on Holy Saturday morning invaded his home and held a
gun to the head of Elian and the fisherman that rescued him from the sea.
Brian Fangman