By way of overheard remarks, hints, and other means, I have
figured out that I think I am the oldest person writing one of these local columns.
As the elder whatever, I feel like I should say something wise and profound.
The problem is, I don’t feel wise; just creaky, like an old rocking chair.
Must be that approaching birthday. One of the basic problems with age
is that after 25 or so, you don’t feel any older
inside. I am always a bit surprised by all that gray hair in the
mirror. I think science should work on this one.
But the true test of old age is when you discover that State Patrolmen
look like Boy Scouts, not even old enough to shave. Then you know you are
really old!
The 2000 Farmers Market Season is gearing up. The market will be
open from June 3 to Oct. 7 this year. It
will be held at the Mount Si Senior Center, with monthly themes to add to
the fun. Just-picked produce, local crafts, plants, and garden tips will be
available. And if you fall in love with a great looking vegetable and
don’t know how to cook it, there will be recipes to get you started.
This was a great event last summer, and organizers hope to make
it even better this year. If you can be a vendor, or just want to help,
contact Karen at Second Street Gardens, (425) 831-5840, or Marie at National
Sign Corporation, (206) 499-2022. And mark your calendar for the June
3 opening day. This season looks like it will be a growing success!
The North Bend Library would like to announce that they have
received a great new rotation of Large- Print books. They have all types,
from mystery and romance to biography, just waiting for you to come
and browse. The collection is rotated three times a year, so new titles are
available. One I can especially recommend is “A Walk in the Woods.” It is a
humorous account of one man’s journey on the Appalachian Trail.
But just about any thing you want to read is available. And if they
don’t have the title you want in stock, just ask them to order it for you. One
of the great things about KCLS is the opportunity to get books from all
40 branches. Or is it 41 now?
They also have a good selection of Books on Tape for that long
commute. Or even a short one. Improve your mind and decrease road
rage. Read a book on the way to work. As one woman commented, “I don’t
need the radio to tell me there is a traffic jam. I am usually
in it!” The Library is also starting to get some books
available on CD, for you up-to-date folks out there.
Story Times are starting again on March 14. Come in and join
Kathy Goble, Mr. Bear and Bettina for a fun hour of stories, songs and games.
Toddlers are Tuesday at 9:30 a.m., Preschoolers at 10:30, and
Wednesday night Family Story Time is at 7 p.m. You can also see Bettina dressed as
a Flower Fairy. She is helping to advertise a program coming up later
this month. Watch this space for details.
Funky Fact: When Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer, one
of the gifts was a sterling silver key to wind up a toothpaste tube,
engraved with the Prince of Wales crest. Now you know what to buy the person
who has everything!
Thought for the Week: Seen on a bulletin
board; Veni Vedi Velcro – I came, I saw, I
stuck with it.
A lesson for us all.
Please submit items for
North Bend Nuggets to
Pat Simpson at P.O. Box 857,
North Bend, WA 98045,
or by e-mail to,
or drop them by the library.