I want to thank all Snoqualmie Valley residents for donating so
generously to the “Giving Trees,” a Kiwanis project. I had placed
1,350 names on seven trees throughout the Valley. I especially want to thank
the management and owners of QFC, Safeway, Ace Hardware,
Blimpies, Maguire Hill Real Estate, Sterling Bank, Moose Lodge of North
Bend and the Family Neighborhood Market in Fall City. Without the help of
these very fine merchants allowing us to place the trees in their
establishments, the Giving Tree project could not
be completed.
Sterling Bank was the depot for the gifts. The gifts took up
three-quarters of the floor space. The generosity
of Valley residents is overwhelming and very satisfying at the same time.
The Valley made it to where 1,350 children and seniors will have a Christmas
this year.
I wish to thank Francis and Lori Claffey of Claffey Painting for
provided five covered trucks to haul the gifts from North Bend to Hopelink
in Carnation, where the recipients receive their gifts. Francis and Lori and
their five foremen were a great help with the loading, unloading and hauling.
A lot of people have asked how I received the names. I receive
my names from Hopelink, which receives its names from the local food
banks. A representative from Hopelink visits the food banks in late November
and early December to sign people up for the gifts. Ken McCarty of the
North Bend food bank has been very helpful in the effort to reach all of those
in need.
Again, the Snoqualmie Valley Kiwanians wish to thank all
residents and merchants who unselfishly donated their businesses and gifts! A
special, personal thank you to Gail and John from Bank of America for
their generosity, and to Bob Bonner, who transported all of the gifts from
the stores to Sterling Bank. The Valley is wonderful place to call home!
And Happy Holidays!
Linda L. Bonner
“Giving Trees” chairperson
Snoqualmie Valley Kiwanis Club