All right-I goofed! Last week’s article said I would be on the
beaches of Hawaii about the time my article was read. I have since then had a
lot of people tell me they thought I was in Hawaii. Well, when you read this
I will definitely be in Maui!
I found the key to getting Sparky to sleep better at night. If I make
him (actually, if he so chooses to) go outside for awhile and if I spend most
of my evening loving him up, he will let me sleep until 5:30 a.m. I decided
not to fight him anymore and get up when he desires and find I am actually
getting some things done before I go to work. So I guess my little orange
and white bundle of torture is good for something!
Corny joke of the week: What kind of fruit is never alone? A pear!
How about corned beef and cabbage with Irish whiskey sauce?
Just cook the corned beef until tender and remove from pan. Place cabbage
in same pot and cook until tender. In small pot melt 1 tbsp. butter and
add 1/4 c. minced shallot until it begins to soften. Stir in 1/4 c. Irish whiskey
and bring to a boil and cook until most of the liquid evaporates, two to three
minutes. Stir in 1 c. heavy cream, 2 tbsp. Dijon mustard, and salt and
pepper. Bring to a boil. Cook, stirring occasionally until mixture
thickens, about four minutes. Serve with cabbage and corned beef.
“If you can learn from hard knocks, you can also learn from
soft touches.”
The Leukemia Society gave us a kick-off party in Seattle and it
turned out to be very inspiring. The honor patients we are walking for were
there and when they stood up as a group in front of everyone, it made all the
work we have put into training and fund raising worthwhile. I found that a
lot of people that were nervous about ever making it through the 26-mile walk
are now quite confident and carried me along with them in their
determination to cross that finish line!
It happened this week: Gumby first appeared on TV with his
trusty horse Pokey in 1957 and the first St. Patrick’s Day parade was held not
in Ireland but in New York City in 1762.
After I got my Gumby tattoo, I found out I’m definitely not the
only adult Gumby fan! There’s still a Gumby fan club and if you
enter Gumby’s name on the Internet, you can find all kinds of sites about
him and see collections people have.
I have been enjoying the sunny days by hanging my sheets (and
also Mom and Dad’s) on the line. They smell really good. The only rule is
you have to hang your pajamas out with the sheets, then take a bath in
the evening and climb into your good- smelling pajamas and into bed.
Thank you again to all the wonderful people that have been so
supportive of my fund raising and training these last five months. I have
saved all the notes and words of encouragement I have received and will put
them in my marathon scrapbook. I really don’t think I could have done it
without all of you and without my family who worked tirelessly to help me.
And thank you to little Lucy and her pet- sitting service for babysitting
Sparky while I’m gone.
Please submit items for the Snoqualmie News Notes to
Donna, P.O. Box 604,
Snoqualmie, WA 98065
or e-mail Ballou1@earthlink. net.