Here’s what to do with that extra money

Letter to the Editor.

The taxes we’re not paying on our car tabs would have gone to

strengthen our community. They would have helped improve our roads and

public transportation. Now that money is not there. It seems to me that “saving”

this money is actually hurting our community, so I’ve decided to give the

money away. I invite you to do the same.

There are many ways you can do this. Give it to your faith

community (and if you don’t have one, you can find one). Give it to one of the

organizations in the Valley like Children’s Services of Sno-Valley, the

Senior Center, the Valley Recreation Association, or HopeLink (formerly the

Multi-Service Center). Give it to your local PTA. You could even give it to

your city or the county.

Rather than spending it on something that you don’t really need,

figure out what you’ve saved and give that much away to an organization

that will make our Valley an even better place to live.

Rev. Jeffrey Spencer
