If you value the Falls, do these things

Letter to the Editor.

Having read Mr. Tom Pors’ response to Carol Bordin (Fish

and Wildlife) and his response to Snoqualmie Planning

Commission board member Duane Johnson, all Valley citizens and people who value

the beauty of the Falls should do three things.

1. Have a great deal of suspicion about Mr. Pors’ arrogance.

2. Be damned angry about his answer to Mr. Johnson’s question.

3. Pick up a pen and or e-mail a letter/letters to all your

representatives and all the agencies. And ask them

if Mr. Pors is right.

If you were not at the presentation, let me brief you. Mr. Johnson

asked Mr. Pors, “What happens when other agencies receive Ms. Bordin’s

report? And will they become involved?”

Mr. Pors answered, “This should not be a problem. Because other

agencies will recognize this as a quasi-judicial issue and know they have

no regulatory authority.” Further, Mr. Pors elaborates, in his years of

experience, “it makes no difference.”

I would say that even if it was quasi-judicial, one would expect

testimony and input from every aspect so as to have a good cross-analysis

to work from.”

If the citizens of King County, the Snoqualmie Valley and the state

of Washington really believe his bull, then do nothing!

P.S. We miss you all.


Middleton, Idaho