Worry at it, not about it, the old saw goes.
For those who’d like to bring change to their communities, to worry at the issue of the day instead of about them, this week is for you. Specifically, filing week, the time for candidates to throw their names in the ring for local office, including school board and city council seats. There are races in every Valley city council and on local school boards, including some spots in North Bend, Carnation and the Riverview school district completely open to challengers.
It’s true that there are a lot of incumbents confirmed to run. Yes, it’s also true that Snoqualmie Ridge will not have a bona fide race of its own for a couple of years. But those reasons should not be enough to dissuade the challenger.
Look at Terry Sorenson. He ran for office two years ago against Snoqualmie’s Maria Henrikson. Terry didn’t win, but he aired issues of growth and change, asked pertinent questions, and made for a real race, something that wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t had the guts to step in the ring. You can still find him at most council meetings and public hearings, questioning and commenting in his civil but very human way.
We need more people like Terry to step up and make for open debate, transparent discussion, and fewer shoo-ins. While it’s true that not all of the folks who championed the ‘Citizen Plan’ for redistricting the Snoqualmie Valley School District are able to run for office this go-round, others can, and should, throw their names in, if only for the sake of a healthy, vibrant election with transparency and options. Regardless of the outcome, we all benefit when we have real elections and real choices. Please consider filing.
Candidate filing for city and school board positions runs through 4:30 p.m. Friday. Interested persons may file in person, by mail or electronically.
For more information, visit www.kingcounty.gov/elections or call the elections office at (206) 296-1565.