I take issue with King County Councilman Larry Phillips’ guest
editorial in the May 25 issue of the Record.
Phillips assumes that people who voted to buy the Three Forks
Natural Area did so because they all want to use it. I live close by in Fall
City, I voted for the purchase, and I will probably never use the park.
By voting for the purchase, I chose to use my tax dollars simply to
preserve the area for wildlife and as open space.
My vote, and I’m sure that of many others, assures me that under
the county’s ownership the land will be protected from Weyerhaeuser,
Quadrant and other big developers who would gladly turn it into
another Snoqualmie Ridge or propose other developments such as Treemont,
a project neighboring residents are fighting to prevent the erosion of
their properties and adversely impacting Patterson Creek, the resident
wildlife and our rural roads.
Contrary to Phillips’ opinion, I was delighted to read the Three Forks
park had been scaled back, not because I want to keep people from
Seattle or elsewhere from using the park, but because I believe the less we do to
a natural area, the better.
Sharon Parshall
Fall City