To build or not to build … that is the question currently set before
the Snoqualmie Planning Commission. As citizens of the little town
of Snoqualmie, is it truly in our best interest to attempt to “financially
capitalize” off of Snoqualmie Falls by seeking out potential tourist
dollars that may flow our way? By having the second most-visited natural site in
the state of Washington, we could be risking, what is in my view, our prized
and cherished landmark.
Instead, the developer, Puget Western, wants to construct a 15-25,000
sq. ft. village retail development, according to their most recent proposal.
In what is now a natural wooded setting, there would be stores, parking
lots, lights, and car traffic that would clog up the present State Route
202/Highway 18 Snoqualmie gateway. This intersection, the gateway, with the
combination of tourists plus new employees from outside the area, will
most certainly create a mess of unwanted traffic and pollution.
Is this really what we want to see happen to our town?
It seems to me that some things are better off being left alone. I
personally believe that this piece of property is one of them.
Consider our future … to build or not to build … that is truly the
question of the century.