Sign right there on the dotted line

A look at Valley athletics through the eyes of an avid fan.

Oh crap, I have missed another deadline. Is crap a swear word? Will

I get in serious trouble for defaming Tom Crapper? Let’s just submit

this anyway. The editor can put little blank things where the word was. Oh

no, now I’ve really messed up. I just ended a sentence with a verb and the

previous sentence ended with a preposition. Nobody ever accused me of

writing actual literature, although any semblance to Tom Robbins and

“Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates” would be more than flattering.

So, what are we really talking about? Soccer, of course.

I did spend the last two Saturdays signing up soccer players for

the Snoqualmie Valley Youth Soccer Association. That’s the best that I can

do for a tie-in to literature. As a guest of the King County Library, I can say

that we were treated well by the staff and I want to thank the folks at the

library for letting us hold soccer registration at the library. Hopefully, our

registration drive also created some added traffic for the library. My

understanding is that there was more than one parent that had never been in the

library before. I like libraries. At times I felt that conducting soccer

signups was a desecration of the temple, but I got over it quickly. Everything

worked out quite well, and I can report that both Annette and Karin have a

mean kick.

Don “Heading South Man” Fish is a trooper and helped me put

out signs for registration. It is going to be tough to fill his shoes. I know

HUB, soccer, baseball and Snoqualmie Elementary will have a big hole in

their available volunteer resources. Don and Nancy are moving to Utah to take in

a drier, sunnier clime. I can appreciate that. Our loss is Utah’s gain, but

just don’t start rooting for the Utah Jazz just yet, Don.

I think I have answered almost every question that could be

asked about soccer, but in case you have more questions, feel free to e-mail

me at In the coming weeks, I hope to start

organizing teams and calling all those folks that volunteered to help out. I can

report that my BU12 select team is starting to come along although we are

in the throes of finding a good name. Warren Brown suggested

“Pond Scum.” I am just not sure about

that Warren, but I am still accepting ideas. I am leaning toward the

“Incredible Flying Zucchini Brothers.” Your

votes count, sports fans. Name our team and win a prize. The best team name

suggestion is probably good for a sub at Blimpies. If it works out, we may

even have a domain name for your team name suggestion. Keep those

cards and letters coming in.

As for soccer registration, Michelle Smith of the

Snoqualmie Ridge Residential Owners Association (ROA) has volunteered to provide

a forum for those of you that missed signups at the library. Run, don’t

walk, to your nearest ROA and get signed up for youth soccer. Volunteers

are always welcome.

Michael Lloyd is a local sports enthusiast and board

member of both the Snoqualmie Valley Youth Soccer Association and the

Sno-Valley Little League.